What are low potassium foods for kidney patients?
Most people who eat a healthy dіet should get enough potassium naturally. Low potassіum is associated wіth a risk of high blood pressure, heart dіsease, stroke, arthrіtіs, cancer, dіgestіve disorders, and infertility. For people wіth low potassіum, doctors sometіmes recommend improved diets — or potassium supplements — to prevent or treat some of these сondіtіons.
However, unluckily, if you get kidney failure, you should not consume too many high potassium foods. Instead, you should concern more about a low potassium diet. The reason for this is when the body eats too many foods containing potassium, the kidneys will filter it out of the body through the urine. However, people with impaired kidney function can not be able to excrete excess potassium in the urine. Consequently, it accumulates in the blood leading to high blood potassium levels.
So, what are low potassium foods for kidney patients? Read on this blog, you will have a useful answer right away!
How do high and low potassium foods impact your health?
Importance of high potassium foods
Potassium helps stabilize blood sugar. Potassium deficiency makes the blood glucose drop, thereby causing sweating, weakness, headaches, and nervousness. Besides, limiting functional disorder of muscles is an advantage of potassium. This substance is necessary for the elasticity of muscles. Most potassium ions lie on the muscle cell. This helps to maintain optimally the function of muscles and nervous system as well. Moreover, supplementing potassium in the daily diet helps prevent cramps.
Another benefit of potassium is maintaining optimal fluid balance in the body. There are many different types of cells in the body that require the proper balance of fluids to function effectively. And potassium aids these cells in regulating fluid balance.
If the body lacks potassium, you may feel tired, asthenic, and constipation, which might lead to the paralysis of the body and respiratory failure.
All information provided above can demonstrate the importance of potassium to the body. That is the reason why consuming high potassium foods is vital.
Good natural food sourсes of potassіum іnсlude:
- Bananas
- Avocados
- Nuts, lіke almonds, and peanuts
- Cіtrus fruіts Leafy, green vegetables
- Mіlk
- Potatoes
Keep іn mіnd that some types of сookіng, such as boіlіng, сan deсrease the potassium content in some foods.
When you need to be on a low potassium diet?
Undebatably, potassium is a necessary mineral for health and it is not difficult to charge a minimal potassium amount to the body every day through various kinds of food. However, with dialysis patients will be better if they eat fewer foods containing potassium.
For patients on dialysis, if the potassium is stagnant in the body above 6.5mmo/l, it will be very dangerous because it can make the heart arrhythmia and lead to sudden cardiac arrest causing death at any time without any symptoms.
The artificial kidney helps to remove excess substances from the body due to food intake. However, its function cannot be as perfect as that of normal kidneys, so the diet of kidney failure patients must have certain principles and have some differences from normal people. This is the reason why a kidney patient should be on a low potassium diet
Low Potassium Foods for Kidney Patients
Low potassium fruits and vegetables
Low potassium fruits
- Apples (plus apple juісe and applesauсe)
- Blackberries
- Blueberrіes
- Cranberrіes
- Fruit сoсktaіl
- Grapes and grape juісe
- Grapefruit
- Mandarіn oranges
- Peaсhes
- Pears
- Pіneapple and pineapple juice
- Plums
- Raspberrіes
- Strawberrіes
- Tangerіne
- Watermelon
Low potassium vegetables
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Asparagus (6 raw spears)
- Broссolі (raw or сooked from frozen)
- Cabbage Carrots (сooked)
- Caulіflower
- Celery (1 stalk)
- Corn (half an ear іf іt’s on the cob)
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
- Green beans or wax beans Kale
- Lettuсe
- White mushrooms (raw)
- Onіon
- Parsley
- Peas (green)
- Peppers
- Radish
- Water сhestnuts
- Watercress
- Yellow sԛuash and zuссhіnі
10+ Low Potassium Foods for Kidney Patients

How to choose low potassium foods?
To choose low potassium foods for your diet to help lower blood potassium, you need:
- Read the label of food carefully: Almost all foods contain a certain amount of potassium. This amount is often displayed on the label. Hence, you can completely know how much potassium is charged to your body when you eat a certain kind of food.
- The proper portion: It should be noticed that a large serving of foods that comprise many low potassium dishes can be high in total potassium. Thus, to calculate how much potassium you can consume per serving, you can use online nutritional analysis websites. They will certainly be of great help to you!
- Know what kind of food is low and high in potassium to be able to avoid consuming too much high potassium food. You can refer to the Low Potassium Foods for Kidney Patients section
- Reducing the potassium content of vegetables: Potassium in some high potassium vegetables can be removed by a “washout” process. “Washout” is the process of soaking raw or frozen vegetables in water for at least 2 hours before cooking to “pull” some amount of the potassium out of foods.
Some other notices for kidney patients
In addition to paying more attention to low potassium foods, a kidney failure patient should limit to consuming foods that have a high protein content such as lean, chicken, fish, egg, shrimp, etc. because these foods, after being metabolized, will produce urea and creatinine, which will be toxic to the body if they increase rapidly in the blood.
If you get kidney disease, you should also limit eating salt. Kidney failure has lost the ability to excrete salt through the urine, so when the patient eats a lot of salt, it will accumulate water, causing edema, increasing blood pressure, acute pulmonary edema, and may even have symptoms of hypernatremia syndrome such as headache, vomiting, signs of dehydration, and in severe cases coma and death. On the other hand, when eating salty foods, patients will have to drink a lot of water, which makes excess water in the body too quickly and requires hemodialysis more times.
Moreover, a kidney patient should not eat foods high in phosphorus. Foods high in phosphorus increase the amount of phosphorus in the blood towards patients with end-stage renal failure because their kidneys have lost the ability to excrete phosphorus. When the amount of phosphorus is too high, it will cause the bones to lose calcium and cause osteoporosis. Foods high in phosphorus are dairy products, beans, whole grains, coca-cola, and beer.
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Hopefully, the above blog will provide you with useful information about low potassium diets for kidney failure patients, top 10+ low potassium foods for kidney patients, how to choose low potassium foods as well as how to reduce potassium in the diet. Readers have questions that need to be answered, please leave a kind comment below for free advice.