Authentic Nigerian Jollof Rice Recipe Revelations

In the heart of Nigerian cuisine lies a dish so vibrant, both in flavor and color, that it’s more than just a meal; it’s a celebration. Nigerian Jollof Rice is not just about the tantalizing blend of ingredients, but the stories, love, and heritage cooked into every pot. Walk with me as we journey into the depths of this iconic West African delight.

Usually gracing the parties in Nigeria, Jollof Rice (also popularly dubbed as ‘party jollof rice’) is a hands down favorite of plenty guests.  Its taste can be further enhanced with grilled or fried chicken, beef, fish, prawns and Moimoi, with Nigerian beef or chicken soup alongside the viand.

Jollof Rice Recipe

West African Party Jollof Rice

How To Make Nigerian Jollof Rice – 7 Steps

Nigerian Jollof Rice

A mouth-watering rice dish enjoyed throughout West Africa. Just need some simple ingredients, equipment, and cooking skills. You are able to process and enjoy an Nigerian traditional food without coming to expensive fine-dining restaurants.
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Course: Main dishes, Rice
Cuisine: African
Keyword: Jollof Rice, Nigerian Jollof Rice
CookingStyle: Stir-frying
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 servings
Calories: 284kcal
Author: Food and Meal
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  • Precook the rice and let it seat until all the other ingredients are ready.
  • Also grill or fry the meat (can be beef, chicken or turkey) and set aside for broth or stock.

Jollof Rice Procedure

  • Prepare a small amount of sauce by incorporating the tomatoes and peppers. Boil them together and simmer for a few minutes to dry out extra liquid.
  • Place a pot over a medium heat and put some oil. Put the chopped onion and fry until it attains the translucent factor.  Add in your premade tomato sauce, let it simmer for about 10 minutes and add tomato paste.
  • Now that the tomato stew has been made, scoop about a quarter of it and set aside.
  • Add the chicken or meat stock into the pot and boil in high heat from 5 to 10 minutes. Add curry, thyme, broth cube and salt, and then boil again for about 5 minutes.
  • Add the rice and mix well, making sure that the liquid in the pot should be the same amount (or level) as the rice. Feel free to add more water if the chicken stock is not enough.
  • Cover the pot with lid and let the rice cook over medium flame. If you opt to use bay leaves, drop it before covering the pot.
  • When the liquid in the rice has almost dried up, pour the extra stew you kept and ground crayfish at the top of the rice. Do not mix the rice yet but cover the pot again, letting it simmer until it completely dries up this time.  When you see that there’s no liquid already, mix the rice thoroughly and voila! Your party jollof rice is all ready to be served.



Note: For spices, the measurement for the spices depends on your taste. Use your judgment and avoid using too many of them.
In addition, you can use large local cast iron pots called "koko-irin" which are placed on top of large chunks of firewood. The smoky heat from the charcoal adds a unique and unforgettable flavor that many people love
Green seasoning is a simple blend of fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, thyme) + onion, garlic, ginger. You can sub in/out your fave herbs as needed.
How To Make Nigerian Jollof Rice – 7 Steps
How to cook the tasty nigerian jollof rice
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Serving: 1serving | Calories: 284kcal | Carbohydrates: 33g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 11g
© Food And Meal

This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered primarily from the Spoonacular Database, whenever available, or otherwise other online calculators.

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Nigerian Jollof Rice: The Pressure Cooker Method

The Vibrant Hue Of Jollof: A Testament To Its Rich Ingredients.
The vibrant hue of jollof: a testament to its rich ingredients.

There’s a sheer elegance in fusing traditional recipes with modern appliances. While the classic stovetop method for Nigerian Jollof Rice is both time-honored and cherished, using a pressure cooker can be a game-changer. Not only does it speed up the cooking process, but it also ensures that every grain of rice is uniformly flavored and perfectly cooked. Let’s dive into this alternative yet authentic preparation:

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Your usual ingredients for Nigerian Jollof Rice


  1. Sauté Basics: Begin by setting your pressure cooker to the sauté setting. Add in your oil, followed by the onions, bell peppers, and other aromatic vegetables. Sauté until the onions become translucent.
  2. Tomato Blend: Add in your blended tomato mixture (usually a mix of tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and scotch bonnet peppers) to the sautéed base. Allow this to cook until it’s reduced, thickened, and the tanginess of the tomatoes has mellowed out.
  3. Spices & Broth: Introduce your spices – thyme, curry powder, bay leaves, and any other favorite seasonings. Stir well and then pour in your chicken or vegetable broth.
  4. Rice Inclusion: Rinse your parboiled long-grain rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This helps in removing excess starch. Add the rice to the pot and ensure it’s submerged in the liquid.
  5. Pressure Time: Seal the pressure cooker. Change the setting from sauté to the manual or pressure cook setting. Set the timer for 15 minutes on high pressure.
  6. Natural Release: Once the cooking cycle is complete, allow the pressure cooker to release pressure naturally. This might take an additional 10-15 minutes.
  7. Fluff & Serve: Carefully open the lid once all the pressure has been released. Use a fork to fluff the rice gently, ensuring it’s mixed well with the tomato base and has that iconic orange hue. Garnish with sliced green onions or fried plantains if desired.
  8. Enjoy: Serve your pressure-cooked Nigerian Jollof Rice with your favorite sides – be it grilled chicken, fish, or a refreshing salad.

The pressure cooker, with its efficiency and ease, offers a refreshing approach to the traditional Nigerian Jollof Rice. It ensures each grain absorbs the flavors in-depth, resulting in a dish that’s both quick to make and delightful to savor. Enjoy the fusion of tradition and modernity on your plate!

Cameroon Jollof Rice Recipe

A Pot Of Nigerian Jollof Rice: Where Tradition Meets Flavor.
A pot of jollof rice: where tradition meets flavor.


  • 4 cups long bismati Rice
  • 1/2 cup Vegetable oil
  • 2 big onions
  • 240 grams tomato paste
  • 4-5 redball pepper (tatashe)
  • 4 medium-size tomatoes/ one can chopped tomatoes
  • 3 pieces Scotch bonnet pepper (Atarodo) or more if yours is not hot
  • 1 cup chicken/beef stock
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 50 grams butter/margarine
  • 3-4 pieces bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon curry
  • 1 tablespoon thyme
  • 8 cubes seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon salt


  1. Place your cooking pot on medium heat, add the vegetable oil, the diced onions, the tomato paste, and bay leaves. Fry them together for about 2 minutes until they become translucent. (do not stop stirring to avoid burning)
  2. Add your blended ingredients (Tomatoes, scotch bonnet pepper, garlic, onions, and red ball pepper) and stir well.
  3. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes, stir well and go ahead to add your chicken/beef stock and stir well.
  4. Add spices (curry, thyme, salt, seasoning, and margarine) Then cover to cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Open and stir very well, then go ahead to add the washed rice, and stir well in the mixture.
  6. Cover with foil paper, reduce the heat, and allow to cook for the first 20 minutes.
  7. After 20 minutes, open and taste for salt, if it still requires more add, and cover to cook for another 20-25 minutes.
  8. At this juncture, the rice should be soft and tender. Stir well to the bottom of the pot with a knife or turning stick ( I prefer knife, sometimes the turning stick breaks the rice in the process of turning)
  9. Cover and increase the heat for about 5 minutes and allow the rice to burn for the authentic Jollof party taste.
  10. Turn off the heat and turn again to the bottom of the pot.
  11. Remove from the heat, your smoky party Jollof Rice is ready.
  12. Enjoy while still warm with any chilled drink of your choice.

Our Tips And Tricks

Serving Suggestions

From Nigeria, With Love: A Plate Of Aromatic Jollof Rice.
From nigeria, with love: a plate of aromatic jollof rice.

Nigerian Jollof Rice, with its rich flavors and aromatic presence, is undeniably the star of any meal. Yet, the beauty of this dish lies in its adaptability to various accompaniments.

  • Meaty Complements: Grilled chicken, fried fish, or succulent beef skewers are classic pairings. The smokiness from the grilled protein contrasts beautifully with the tangy and spicy notes of the Jollof rice.
  • Vibrant Sides: Consider serving with a side of fresh coleslaw, pickled vegetables, or a light cucumber salad to introduce a refreshing crunch that balances out the richness of the rice.
  • Garnishes Galore: A sprinkle of sliced green onions or fresh parsley can elevate the dish’s aesthetics. For an extra kick, consider garnishing with freshly chopped chili peppers or a drizzle of hot sauce.
  • Beverage Pairings: The robust flavors of Nigerian Jollof Rice pair wonderfully with chilled tropical drinks. Think fresh pineapple juice, zobo (hibiscus tea), or even a cold ginger beer to counteract the spice.
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Cooking Tips

The Art Of Crafting Jollof: A Dance Of Spices And Tomatoes.
The art of crafting jollof: a dance of spices and tomatoes.

Jollof Rice is not just about the ingredients but the love and care infused during its preparation. Here are some pearls of wisdom to ensure your Jollof Rice is always the talk of the town.

  • The Right Rice: Always opt for long-grain parboiled rice. It’s less starchy, ensuring that each grain remains separate and doesn’t turn mushy during cooking.
  • Tomato Perfect: When reducing your tomato blend, be patient. The more you let it simmer and reduce, the richer and more flavorful your Jollof will be.
  • Heat Levels: While spicy heat is a hallmark of Jollof, always adjust to your preference. Remember, it’s easier to add more heat later than it is to correct an overly spicy dish.
  • Common Mistake: Avoid the urge to stir the rice frequently. Over-stirring can break the grains and make the dish mushy. Instead, let it cook undisturbed to achieve that perfect texture.

List of 5 FAQs

Garnished To Perfection: Jollof Ready To Steal Your Heart.
Garnished to perfection: jollof ready to steal your heart.
  • Can I make Nigerian Jollof Rice vegetarian? Definitely! Simply skip the meat-based broths and use vegetable broth instead. You can also add an assortment of vegetables like bell peppers, peas, and carrots for added nutrition.
  • How do I store leftover Jollof Rice? Cool the Jollof Rice completely, then transfer it to an airtight container. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. For longer storage, you can freeze it for up to 2 months.
  • What if I don’t have a pressure cooker? No worries! The traditional stovetop method is just as wonderful. The key is in the slow simmering and allowing the flavors to meld together over time.
  • Why is my Jollof Rice too soggy? This usually happens if there’s too much liquid or if it’s cooked for too long. Always ensure you’re using the right water-to-rice ratio and adjust cooking times accordingly.
  • Can I use brown rice instead of white? Yes, you can use brown rice for a healthier twist. However, note that brown rice requires a longer cooking time and might need more liquid due to its denseness.

With these detailed serving suggestions, tried-and-true cooking tips, and answers to frequent queries, you’re poised to master the art and science behind Nigerian Jollof Rice. Dive in and let the culinary festivities begin!

Nigerian Jollof Rice is a vibrant symphony of flavors, echoing the warmth and soul of the culture from which it hails. From its rich tomato base to the aromatic spices, every bite is a revelation. Found this guide insightful? Share this culinary wonder with the world and let them savor Nigeria’s pride. Hungry for more? Subscribe to Food And Meal website and journey with us through the world of gourmet delights!

Experience the culinary brilliance of Chef John at Food And Meal Restaurant. With over 20 years of global expertise, My innovative creations and unwavering dedication to cooking have earned me a well-deserved reputation. My passion for gastronomy is showcased in every dish, combining fresh, local ingredients with harmonious flavors and captivating presentations. My ability to tell a story through my food reflects my profound understanding of culture and emotion.
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