Crispy Sweet Potato Tempura Korean Recipe – Irresistible Delight

As the autumn leaves begin to paint the pavement in hues of orange and crimson, I find myself yearning for comfort in a bowl, a warm embrace that speaks to the soul. This longing stirs within me an inspiration to share a dish that is both close to my heart and kindling for the senses. It’s with great pleasure and a touch of nostalgia that I introduce to you a unique delight from the pages of Food And Meal —the Sweet Potato Tempura Soup.

Crafting this recipe was like weaving together threads of past and present. I recall the sweet potatoes my grandmother used to bake; their natural, earthy sweetness would fill the kitchen, a prelude to the joyous family meals we shared. Yet, as time ushers in change, so too do our palates evolve and seek new adventures. Herein lies the beauty of this soup: a harmonious marriage of tradition and exploration—a fusion that captivates and comforts in one spoonful.

Sweet Potato Tempura’s crispiness against the soothing broth represents the dual nature of life: resilience and fluidity. Preparing this dish becomes not just an act of cooking, but also an act of balance, infusing the steady, grounding force of sweet potatoes with the light, ephemeral touch of tempura batter. In this juxtaposition, there’s a reflection of personal desire for equilibrium—between the hustle of daily duties and the simple pleasures that we too often overlook.

I invite you to join me at the stove, where the enchanting dance of bubbles on simmering stock awaits. Together, let’s embrace the process—the slicing of vegetables, the gentle whisk of batter, the soft sizzle as pieces are lovingly baptized in hot oil. With each step, there is intention, and with each ingredient, a story.

Sweet Potato Tempura
Sweet potato tempura that’s both golden-brown and delicious.

Sweet Potato Tempura Recipe

Crispy Sweet Potato Tempura Korean Recipe - Irresistible Delight 1


Immerse yourself in the crispy goodness of sweet potato tempura. Learn the tricks for a perfect crunch and discover innovative ways to serve this comfort delight.
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Course: Side Dishes
Cuisine: Korea
CookingStyle: Frying
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Author: Nazia Cooks
Cost: $5
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  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, scrubbed
  • Vegetable or peanut oil for cooking
  • 1/2 cup tempura flour
  • 1/4 cup very cold water


  • Cut the sweet potato into thin slices and soak in a large bowl of water for 5 minutes. Drain and pat dry with paper towels to make sure they are very dry.
  • Put about 2 inches of peanut oil (use an oil that has a high smoke point) into a deep, heavy-bottomed skillet or wok and heat it to 375°F (use a thermometer to check).
  • Make the tempura batter in a small bowl by combining the tempura flour with the cold water and mixing gently.
  • Dip the sweet potato slices with batter, coating them, and slide gently into the hot oil. Don’t overcrowd the oil while cooking. When the sweet potato pieces begin to float up to the surface, gently turn each piece over and cook the other side. When they’re done (about 1 minute per side), drain them on paper towels.
  • Serve hot.



INGREDIENT TIP: Tempura flour is a packaged mix used to make tempura. It’s usually a mixture of wheat flour, starch (potato or corn), baking powder, and salt. You can find this in Asian markets and online.
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Sodium: 1mg | Calcium: 1mg

Cooking Tips

Sweet Potato Tempura
Indulge in the irresistible crunch of our sweet potato tempura – a true delight for the senses.
  • Embrace the Sweetness and Season: When selecting sweet potatoes, look for ones that feel heavy for their size, a sign of their intrinsic moisture and sweetness. And when you’ve made your choice, let them be the muse that inspires a dash of cinnamon or a hint of nutmeg—spices that play off the tuber’s natural flavor like a cordial embrace.
  • Tempura Mastery: The allure of tempura is in its delicate crispness. To achieve this, ensure the batter is cold and not over-mixed; lumps can be forgiven, but toughness cannot. It’s a tender art, much like composing a gentle haiku, where less truly is more.
  • Balance in Broth: A comforting broth is one that’s well-seasoned yet never steals the show. The subtle use of soy sauce, a grace note of ginger, and the whisper of garlic combine to create a foundation that supports without overshadowing the true star—the soft clouds of tempura that float atop this soothing culinary sea.
  • Colors that Speak: We eat with our eyes as much as with our mouths, so I find joy in adding vibrant greens such as edamame or a sprinkle of sliced green onion. These colors, bright and hopeful, are visual harbingers of the delight to follow.
  • A Gentle Hand: Finally, remember that the sweet potato tempura should be introduced to the soup with a thoughtful, gentle hand, just before serving. This preserves its integrity, both texturally and spiritually, ensuring each bowl is an invitation to savor the moment.

Each tip carries within it a sentiment, a piece of my emotions wrapped in the warmth of advice. It’s in the attention to these small details that the Sweet Potato Tempura Soup transcends from mere nourishment to an experience—a symphony of flavors and textures conveyed through loving preparation.

Serving Suggestions for Sweet Potato Tempura

Sweet Potato Tempura
Elevate your appetizer game with the delicate balance of flavors in our sweet potato tempura.

Sweet Potato Tempura Soup, a delectable fusion of flavors and textures, is further enhanced with these enticing serving suggestions. Elevate your dining experience by pairing this warm and comforting soup with a side of soy dipping sauce, adding a savory and umami depth that complements the sweet undertones of the tempura. For an indulgent touch, consider wok-fried crab as a side dish, where succulent crab meat meets crispy tempura, creating a satisfying and flavorful combination.

To introduce a refreshing element, accompany the soup with a side of mango salad, offering a burst of freshness and a subtle sweetness that harmonizes beautifully with the warmth of the Sweet Potato Tempura Soup. As a sweet conclusion to the meal, savor a slice of marble pound cake, where the subtle sweetness perfectly balances the savory notes of the soup, creating a delightful ending to your culinary journey.

For those seeking an extra layer of indulgence, consider canelés tea cakes as a sophisticated dessert option. These petite French pastries, with their caramelized crust and soft interior, provide an exquisite and satisfying conclusion to this well-rounded dining experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Sweet Potato Tempura

 Sweet Potato Tempura
Irresistibly crispy on the outside, tender on the inside – our sweet potato tempura is perfection


  1. Is sweet potato tempura difficult to make at home?
    • Answer: Not at all! Making sweet potato tempura at home is relatively simple. A light and crispy tempura batter can be easily prepared, and sweet potatoes are quick to fry to perfection.
  2. Can I use other types of sweet potatoes for tempura?
    • Answer: Yes, you can experiment with different varieties of sweet potatoes. Japanese sweet potatoes are commonly used for tempura, but feel free to try other types for unique flavors and textures.
  3. What makes a good dipping sauce for sweet potato tempura?
    • Answer: A classic dipping sauce for sweet potato tempura is tentsuyu, a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and dashi. Some also enjoy it with a side of soy dipping sauce or a drizzle of honey for added sweetness.
  4. How do I ensure my sweet potato tempura stays crispy?
    • Answer: To maintain crispiness, serve the tempura immediately after frying. It’s also helpful to ensure that the sweet potato slices are thoroughly coated in the tempura batter and that the oil is hot enough for frying.
  5. Can I make sweet potato tempura ahead of time?
    • Answer: While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare the tempura batter and slice the sweet potatoes in advance. Fry the tempura just before serving to retain its crispy texture.
  6. Are there variations of sweet potato tempura?
    • Answer: Absolutely! Some variations include adding a sprinkle of sesame seeds or using a tempura dipping sauce infused with ginger or garlic for an extra layer of flavor.
  7. Is sweet potato tempura suitable for vegetarians or vegans?
    • Answer: Yes, sweet potato tempura is typically vegetarian and can be made vegan by using a plant-based tempura batter.
  8. What’s the ideal temperature for frying sweet potato tempura?
    • Answer: The oil temperature should be around 340-360°F (170-180°C) for frying sweet potato tempura. This ensures that the tempura cooks quickly, resulting in a crispy exterior and a tender interior
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As we draw the culinary curtain on our exploration of Sweet Potato Tempura Soup, I hope that this journey through tastes and textures has not only brought new flavors to your table but also a sense of warmth and joy to your kitchen. At Food And Meal, we believe that every dish tells a story—a narrative woven from the ingredients used, the hands that craft it, and the hearts that savor it.

Whether it’s the crispness of the tempura as it meets the tongue or the comforting embrace of the silky broth, this soup is more than a recipe; it’s an invitation to create and cherish moments of genuine happiness around the dinner table. It is a reminder that the simplest meals can often bring about the deepest sense of satisfaction and contentment.

So, dear friends and fellow food lovers, as we part ways on this particular adventure, may you carry with you not just the flavors of the Sweet Potato Tempura Soup but also the spirit in which it was shared. Remember, every meal you prepare is a chance to sprinkle a little magic into your day.

Continue your culinary explorations with love, share your creations with kindness, and know that at Food And Meal, we’re always here to inspire and guide you towards your next delicious discovery.

Hi! I'm Nazia of ‘Nazia Cooks’, a self-taught baker and cook residing in Chennai. Rooted in the rich South Indian culinary landscape, my palate has expanded to embrace global flavors. I revel in crafting fusion dishes, melding traditions to birth unique tastes.
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